I find it hard to fill the boots of our dear departed ‘tribal elder’, Tiny Dugan, in proposing the toast to the Regiment – But I will try.   What does it mean to have served in the Regiment?  Some 80,000 men have passed through its ranks since its inception on 23 November 1948 and […]

From Evernote: Haqqani commander believed killed in air strike | Aussies At War Clipped from: http://aussiesatwar.com.au/haqqani-commander-believed-killed-in-air-strike/ Posted on August 26, 2012 Written by Trevor DixonLeave a Comment(Edit) The operational commander of Afghanistan’s most prominent militant group has reportedly been killed in an American air strike, according to members of his family. Badruddin Haqqani was a […]

On this day in 2010 a platoon from D coy 6 RAR, mentors and their ANA counterparts set off for patrol into the village of Derapet.   Three and a half hours later it became one of the defining battles of our deployment. In it we lost one of finest, LCPL  Jared “Crash” MacKinney. A […]

From Evernote: Battle of Long Tan Cross – Australian War Memorial ABC TV | Aussies At War Clipped from: http://aussiesatwar.com.au/battle-of-long-tan-cross-australian-war-memorial-abc-tv/ Posted on August 17, 2012 Written by Trevor DixonLeave a Comment(Edit) Governor General of Australia Quentin Bryce along with Long Tan veterans Lt Col Harry Smith OC of D Coy, 6RAR, 11 Platoon’s Bob Buick, […]

We all communicate with each other in a myriad of ways, Tony Williams has kindly agreed to his post on Facebook being re-printed here: “The Vietnam Vets in this group are very humble and sometimes awkward when we praise them or openly say we admire them. We do this because, make no mistake you were […]

From Evernote: Troops lured to death with dinner invitation | Aussies At War Clipped from: http://aussiesatwar.com.au/troops-lured-to-death-with-dinner-invitation/ Posted on August 11, 2012 Written by Trevor DixonLeave a Comment(Edit) Updated August 10, 2012 19:12:48 ABC News PHOTO: The men, all American special forces members, were killed on Thursday night while attending a meeting. (ABC News) MAP: Afghanistan An Afghan police commander […]

From Evernote: US, Vietnam launch Agent Orange clean-up – World – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Clipped from: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-08-10/us-launches-agent-orange-clean-up/4189586?section=world By Brendan Trembath in Washington and wires Updated August 10, 2012 07:25:55 Video: Cleaning up Agent Orange’s deadly legacy (Australia Network News) During the Vietnam War the US sprayed the defoliant on jungles to deprive the […]

They breed them tough in the Second Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment. Today’s 2RAR is the repository of the regimental traditions of the family of Second Battalions, a proud tradition which stretches back to the second and third wave landings at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915 and some of the most significant battles of […]

From Evernote: Computer Attacks – State Sponsored or Hacktivism | Aussies At War Clipped from: http://aussiesatwar.com.au/computer-attacks-state-sponsored-or-hacktivism/ Hactivism or Technojacks, the phenonemon of distributed denial of service DDoS is becoming more evident today in the spheres of both anti-government activism and anti-corporate anarchists but the message is clear…. If “hackers” can attack both the established government or economics […]

The first signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between a private sector employer and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) regarding part time Defence personnel, has been signed at Victoria Barracks, Paddington. Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, Senator David Feeney, says the MOU will help further develop ties between the two organisations. Qantas’ Head of Government […]

From Evernote: Soldier ‘ramp riding’ before death, inquiry told Clipped from: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-07-30/adf-to-probe-soldier27s-death/4164068 Updated July 30, 2012 18:16:53 CLICH HERE TO WATCH Video ON ABC NEWS Jeff Waters reports on an inquiry into an Australian soldier’s death (7pm TV News NSW) A Defence Force inquiry into the death of an Australian soldier in Afghanistan last year […]

From Evernote: UN arms trade deal blocked by key nations – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Clipped from: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-07-28/un-arms-trade-deal-collapses/4161190 Photo: The UN draft treaty would have regulated the international arms trade. (Nicky Loh: Reuters) Map: United States A UN deal to regulate the international arms trade has suffered a serious setback. The Australian-sponsored draft treaty […]