The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Dan Tehan, today officially opened the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia’s 2016 National Congress in Canberra. Mr Tehan paid tribute to the some 60,000 Australians who served their country in the Vietnam War from 1962 until 1975. “Australia suffered […]

May 26, 2016 8:27am ROSS EASTGATE Townsville Bulletin IT’S cold comfort for some Australian veterans but this week a British parliamentary report recommended Lariam be used as an antimalarial drug only in very restricted cases. Produced by Swiss pharmaceutical conglomerate Roche, Lariam is the brand name for mefloquine, a known neurotoxin which has also been trialled […]

Sebastian Junger an American war reporter of 15 years of experience reporting on combat in Iraq and Afghanistan returns home to experience a panic episode that reveals he has a problem. “Later, I found out that what I had was short-term PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder. We evolved as animals, as primates, to survive periods of danger, […]

A Changing Nation. True to Alvin Toffler’s “Future Shock”, the world is changing at a rapid pace. In my view, we have been found wanting in our ability to cope. Our so called democracy is slowly but surely being eroded. Those thought police listening, watching, waiting and ticking squares are becoming more of reality each […]

The Hon Dan Tehan MP On Thursday, 2 June 2016 Australia will welcome home 33 Australian service personnel and dependents, many of whom were casualties of the Vietnam War, from cemeteries in Malaysia and Singapore. It will be one of the largest single repatriations of Australian service men and dependents in Australia’s history. In May […]

May 19, 2016 ROSS EASTGATE – Townsville Bulletin MILITARY pensioners who can afford such luxuries as daily newspapers may have read reports detailing retiring federal MPs’ superannuation payments. One report suggested more than 30 Coalition MPs are entitled to indexed annual pensions starting around $200,000. Nice work if you can get it and of course those […]

Brigadier “Jake” Ellwood DSC has been appointed replacing Brigadier Chris Field who is now the 3 Brigade Commander.   Brigadier Justin (Jake) Ellwood graduated to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps in 1990. He has since served in a number of Regimental appointments within 2/4 RAR and 5/7 RAR. His instructional postings have included appointments as […]

ARMY NEWS GOES MOBILE: We have launched an official FREE app for viewing current and past editions online. The app is available through iTunes for iOS smart phones and tablets, and Google Play for Android devices. Simply search ‘Army News Australia’ in either the Apple store or Google Play. READY TO SERVE: 1 Bde soldiers deploy […]

Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation (GMRF) is now calling for participants for its next study, as part of the Veteran Mental Health Initiative. This study will focus on understanding the process of reintegration and psychological adjustment to civilian life following military service. The study is seeking ex-service personnel that have discharged from the military in the […]

In the days leading up to ANZAC Services I was invited to a number of schools, both Primary and Secondary. For a cranky old basxxxrd who is so ready to find flaws with our youth (well some of it anyway), it was a very memorable experience and I want to share it with you. No […]

St George’s Holiday House is being replaced by St George’s Defence Holiday Suites This newsletter is designed to inform all past guests of developments at the old St George’s Holiday House at Coolangatta, Gold Coast conducted by the Service Personnel Anglican Help Society Inc (SPAHS) since 1917. You are receiving this as you have previously […]

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is moving to new service delivery arrangements in the Toowoomba region that will enable it to continue providing in-person support for local DVA clients. This follows a community consultation undertaken between December 2015 and February 2016 in which DVA sought views from the veteran and ex-service communities and other […]