This poem was prompted by visits to schools during ANZAC services in FNQ where young Aussies do all of us proud…  Our Nation’s Proud Torch Burns Bright A crowded sea of faces in the school hall A choir reaches out to them with sweet call Disciplined youth bursting with innocence of life Honoring those from yesterday […]

The May edition of NSCnews Online is out now.

The Australian Veterans Alliance have had one of their member groups working on tax issues that impact our most injured Veterans incapacity benefit’s under DFRDB and MSBS. They have asked the question of the ATO as to why compensatory payments in the form of Invalidity Benefits paid to Injured members of the ADF post discharge, […]

On recent ANZAC parades in the deep south I was appalled at the conduct of mindless fools who organised  indigenous veterans to march separately from their comrades beneath an indigenous flag. It was a deliberate act of unjustified political correctness to flout well established protocol and thus threaten the very core of the military ethos […]

This confronting Four Corners episode on the transition issues suffered by elite athletes after retirement, which include but are not limited to depression, worthlessness, injuries, reliance on prescription medicine and the battle to find work, is similar to the re-entry problems faced by many military persons returning to civilian life. READ MORE Sports psychologist Dr […]

The WRA triennial process to determine ADF pay increases for 2017 -2020 is essentially on track and proceeding as expected. DFWA provides this Update: • It is currently at the CDF/Minister stage, so no specific details are available yet. • We understand the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal (DFRT) will be given a progress report later in […]

Rest in Peace: 240213 Lieutenant Colonel The Reverend Monsignor Eugene Joseph Harley OAM Royal Australian Army Chaplains Department. Sad news of the passing of Monsignor Eugene Harley who died peacefully in bed on ANZAC Day. His funeral will take place at 11.00 am on Friday 5 May 2017 in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 23 […]

Each week it seems a new scam threatens to strip you of your money or steal your identity. So the ACCC has released a handy little weapon to help you become more scam savvy. The Little Black Book of Scams was designed to help people identify suspicious activities and to protect them from various types […]

    The Autumn 2017 edition of Vetaffairs is now available on DVA’s website. You can also view this issue in interactive Realview pdf format. You might also be interested in our online noticeboard. Below are some of the stories covered in this issue. (Please note that to open web links on this page you […]

The Emergency Information article recently posted and repeated below has been revealed as a hoax. My sources and I published the “Tips” in good faith without checking their veracity. We apologise for any upset and/or inconvenience caused and eat much ‘Humble Pie’ accordingly. A check with Snopes reveals the truth  here  and here As a guide if you want […]

Every Year Easter and Anzac Day occur in close proximity . They actually share much in common . Easter commemorates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, who came to liberate people from fear oppression and bondage . Anzac Day commemorates the life death and resurrection of our servicepeople who also sought to liberate people […]

It’s not Paul Hogan, nor Tony Abbott and it sure as daylight isn’t a rugged bushman. The first glimpse at census data collected last year has revealed the typical Australian is a 38-year-old married mother of two who lives in a three-bedroom house, which she owns with a mortgage. Both her parents were born in […]