
In response to the rumour circulating the veteran community and inciting a call for action that the Government intends to disband DVA to be taken over by the Department of Human Services – Centrelink, the DVA Minister has released this Statement. “The Australian Government is committed to a stand-alone Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). This […]

A KEY factor in New Zealand’s defensive posture is its geographic isolation. While Australia’s air-sea gap from potential aggressors has also been cited as a key defensive asset, that gap has become less reassuring. Pundits are speculating whether rogue Marxist state North Korea’s latest rocket technology could deliver nuclear weapons to Australia. How far that […]

The Post War Survive to Thrive Online Course is an eight module, personal development coaching program. It was developed from first-hand military experience by Dane Christison (RAR) of learning to survive and thrive with post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression. It also helps a participant understand, adapt, and overcome the impact of transitioning from military to civilian […]

Increased risk of attempted suicide in Australian veterans is associated with total and permanent incapacitation, unemployment and posttraumatic stress disorder severity. You can read the full paper on suicide amongst veterans conducted by Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation in conjunction with Toowong Private Hospital, and published this week in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of […]

Dear ESORT members, I am writing to inform you of the recent release of the Government’s Response to the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) Review into the prevention of self-harm and suicide. The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel released the Government’s response on 30 June 2017 in Melbourne. The response is available online […]

Today, the nation remembers those Australians who served in the Korean War, on the 64th anniversary of the 1953 Armistice agreement. The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Dan Tehan, said that of the more than 17,000 whoserved, 340 Australians lost their lives and more than 1,200 were wounded. 21 Nations provided military personnel, medical support or […]

It is better than winning Lotto when two beautiful young women backpacking from the Old World arrive at your firm base in Cairns, Far North Queensland for several nights to explore the natural beauties of our land “Down Under.” How lucky can a bloke be? Such was their interest in our region, they extended their […]

IT was a travesty narrowly avoided — an ex-soldier estranged from his family who had taken his own life almost ending up in a pauper’s grave because no one would pay for his funeral. That was until Perth-based charity Bravery Trust stepped in to ensure this man — who had served his country, but like many others […]

ONLY someone who has attempted to take a large bone from a small terrier understands the fury it can generate. Multiply that by several terriers and bones and the fury increases exponentially. Larger dogs usually, but not always, tend to be less possessive, particularly if they have taken control of all the bones. Australia’s state […]