
Please click on the link to watch the Youtube clip   Few familiar faces here  

New DVD History Offers Rare Insight into Australia’s Special Air Service Regiment   For the first time the history of Australia’s Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) has been captured on film, offering rare insights into the Regiment’s war-fighting and peace-making activities around the world.   The Australian SAS: the Untold History follows the Perth-based Regiment’s […]

Golf Day flyer Register online or click on the link

Many thanks for your service to America, ladies! Got this photo from a friend and fellow vet and thought it should be passed on. It’s something most of us never hear/think about… Charles Yunker (USA)        They Gave Too!!!   Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker was killed in Afghanistan in an IED incident along with two other […]

Reference: Army The Soldiers Newspaper, Edition 1358 August 27, 2015   THE REGIMENT’S FINEST: 1RAR WINS DUKE OF GLOUCESTER CUP 2015 THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER CUP (awarded to the champion rifle section of the Royal Australian Regiment) 1st: 1RAR 2nd: 2RAR 3rd: 6RAR 4th: 3RAR 5th: 7RAR 6th: 5RAR 7th: 8/9RAR THE ROYAL ULSTER RIFLES […]

Invitation to attend the Australian Peacekeepers Commemorative Service   The 68th Australian Peacekeepers Commemorative Service is to be held at the Australian Peacekeeping Memorial site on ANZAC Parade, Canberra, on Monday, 14 September 2015, commencing at 11 a.m.      2015 also marks the 20th Anniversary since the end of the ADF contribution to the United […]

To view the full article, click on the link   Vietnam War Roll of Honour Image Gallery Vietnam Veterans’ Day (18 August) was this year commemorated, in part, with the release of a new online Vietnam War Roll of Honour Image Gallery. Announced by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister […]

By Ian McPhedran National defence writer : News Corp Australia Network August 25, 2015 10:00PM click here for full article Australian Iraq war veteran Angus Sim on duty in Iraq. Picture: Supplied Source: Supplied AN unofficial survey by an East Timor and Iraq War veteran flatly contradicts an official $174,500 taxpayer-funded survey by the Department of Veterans Affairs […]

Do not miss this important event! Speakers Spotlight Dr Stephanie Hodson CSC Mental Health Advisor Departmnent of Vetrans’ Affairs We ask our military and emergence services to do dangerous and hazardous work, so some will experience the injury of PTSD.  We have good first line treatments for two thirds of those that suffer this injury […]

ROSS EASTGATE TOWNSVILLE BULLETIN AUGUST 20, 2015 6:26PM AUSTRALIANS would be hard pressed not to think the only battle of any consequence during Vietnam was Long Tan on August 18, 1966. It has come to characterise Australia’s involvement in Vietnam and its anniversary has captured national commemorations of that war. Delta Company 6RAR commander Harry […]