
Meeting the physical and mental demands of soldiering is the ultimate test when in very dangerous circumstances. It requires the ability to endure day after day and week after week in the most hostile environment that both Mother Nature and Man can create The keys in meeting such challenges include one of the most respected […]

Experience now tells us all military combat veterans sit in that identified high risk group, and we all despair as we try to identify causes, triggers and determine how we can prevent that. HERE’S a must attend event for your diaries if you are in Sydney on October 13 — a Thursday as it happens, […]

Laurie ‘Truck’ Sams, 67, a former Special Air Service Regiment soldier who lost a leg saving a fellow parachutist has left on a 10,000km bike ride from Hanoi to Sydney to raise money for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other injuries. ‘Truck’  who served with the SAS in Vietnam before losing his left […]

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has partnered with two consortiums, located in Sydney and Townsville, to conduct a 12 month pilot program to train ex-serving Australian Defence Force members as volunteer Peer Mentors to help their Peers suffering from a mental health condition. Evidence shows that individuals experiencing mental health challenges who are well-supported have […]

Last week the Defence Dysfunctionettes who run the ADF media and PR organisation scored an unusual orchestrated coup. ROSS EASTGATE, Townsville Bulletin – 22 September 2016 BUDDHISTS believe karma is the sum of one’s actions in thought, word or deed in successive states, which decide one’s fate in the next. Put another way, bad karma […]


Veteran pension payments will increase from today. Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Dan Tehan said pension payments would increase from 20 September 2016 in line with indexation for veterans, their partners, war widows and widowers across Australia. The pension rates are calculated on a daily basis, so pensioners will see a partial increase on their next […]

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Dan Tehan, said the Government would increase mental health support for Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and veterans. The Government Response to the Senate Inquiry Report on the mental health of ADF members and veterans was tabled in the Senate today 16th September 2016. “The Senate Inquiry Report’s recommendations emphasise […]

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has established a dedicated mefloquine support team for our serving and ex-serving community. In its response to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Report on Mental Health of Australian Defence Force (ADF) Members and Veterans, the Australian Government committed to additional support for current and former ADF members who […]