
Proficiency in another language is always helpful, particularly when a discrete profanity is required. In a life not always well spent mixing with soldiers of multiple nationalities in exotic locations, discovering new swear words has proved a valuable education. What passes as unacceptably profane in one language may be acceptable in another particularly when the words […]

Perspectives and Lessons from Australia’s War in Afghanistan & Iraq 2001 -2014 is a two-day Conference 12 – 13 May 2017. at the Monash Centre, Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, Brisbane. READ MORE

The Regiment congratulates Peter on his 90th Birthday. Before he became the face of ABC TV’s Gardening Australia, he served in the Korean War with 3 RAR Machine Gun Platoon. He is the Honorary Gardener of The Regiment’s National Memorial Walk at Gallipoli Barracks Enoggera, Brisbane. Read More of Peter’s memories of The Forgotten War  […]

Precious Memories of Yesterday I often try to open that magic door Wishing and hoping for evermore To find you waiting in the shade of our favourite tree Where we would often rest, just you and me Is it so long ago since you went away To me it seems only yesterday Friends tell me […]

Please click on these links for your April issue of Tiger Tales and the Committee Page, I hope that you enjoy reading the articles and reports in this issue that include items about the 5th Bn AIF, 2/5th Bn AIF, Vietnam era 5 RAR and the contemporary 5 RAR. If you have any anecdotes or remembrances […]

The Blessing and Dedication of The Royal Australian Regiment Memorial took place on 24th March 2017 at The Royal Australian Regiment Place, Ferguson Park ENOGGERA in Brisbane, it is a public memorial for the people of Brisbane.  It was officially opened by His Excellency, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd). The Regiment’s National Memorial […]

The Government today received the National Mental Health Commission’s (NMHC) review of suicide and self-harm services for veterans and members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Dan Tehan and Minister for Health Greg Hunt acknowledged receipt of the review. “The Government has a responsibility to the men and […]

The Federal Government will abandon its push for new powers to release the personal information of veterans should it wish to correct deliberately misleading public statements. The ABC revealed concerns about the legislation earlier this month with sections of the veteran community fearing it was designed to silence public criticism. The proposal was wrapped into […]

The official changing of the wording on one of our icons in New Guinea from “Mateship” to “Friendship” left me clutching for my tranquilisers.. Clearly this was the work of maniacs intent in destroying much of what we value so dearly from yesterday. Even more infuriating is that those responsible are using public money in […]

The Royal Australian Regiment Association is delighted in the recent outcome for Trooper Evan Donaldson in the recognition of his SAS qualifications and his war service recognized whilst serving with that Regiment in Afghanistan, Iraq and Timor-Leste. The fight to have this service recognized, which was alleged to have been criminally altered in Trooper Donaldson’s […]