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The team, comprised of eight members from Townsville’s 2nd Battalion, traversed the 50 kilometre course in 40 hours carrying 40 kilograms of gear each. “It was tough” admits team leader Corporal Lee Newham who says the challenges they were given were complicated further by the Welsh weather and soggy, mountainous terrain. “Especially moving by night, […]

When Governor-General Quentin Bryce awarded Corporal Daniel Keighran with the Victoria Cross he earned a unique distinction in the history of The Royal Australian Regiment, he became the RAR’s first soldier to be awarded our nations highest award while on active service with a Battalion of the Regiment.  Since the Second World War and the formation of the RAR, […]

Mark Irving, The West AustralianUpdated September 28, 2012, 2:40 am · Sam McDonald with his flagpole at the Timbers Edge lifestyle village. Picture: Nic Ellis, The West Australian Sam McDonald fought in the jungles of Borneo and Vietnam – and now he’s battling the owners of a Dawesville lifestyle village over his Australian flag. The […]

Checking out a capture VC Machine gun – circa 1966.   2/7758 Warrant Officer 2 John William ‘Jack’ Kirby, Company Sergeant Major (CSM) D Company, 6th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) of Windsor, Brisbane, Qld, (left), and Major Harry Smith of Ashgrove, Brisbane, Qld, Officer Commanding D Company 6RAR, test firing the Goryunov SG43 […]

Saturday, 8 September 2012 – Melbourne, Australia By Kris Sayce Why Women Really are Smarter Than Men Wanted: Your Feedback The Best of the Week How Government Unleashed Obesity in the USA     There are some things I’d like to write to you about more often than I do. But when I do write […]

AUSTRALIA’S top soldier has voiced the anger of his troops at the assassination of three Diggers by a rogue Afghan soldier, branding it “murder” at a time when the men were defenceless. Chief of the Army Lieutenant General David Morrison spoke out as bereaved family members joined military top brass, representatives and members of the […]

What can you do to help!   Click here to visit the website for full details, here is an introduction into this wonderful initiative that not enough people have heard about;   I have tried to structure this to be inclusive of everyone, regardless of skill, time or financial situation.   I hope everyone can find […]

by Laurie Oakes When Australia joined the United States and other allies in sending forces to Afghanistan in 2001, the aim was crystal clear. It was to remove the Taliban regime which provided a haven for Al Qaeda – the terrorist group responsible for the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. That was quickly […]

   All Australians are encouraged to buy a Legacy Badge this week to support the work of Legacy and assist the families of veterans and ex-service people.   Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson, said this year’s Legacy Week would have added significance given the recent losses in Afghanistan.   “For […]

I find it hard to fill the boots of our dear departed ‘tribal elder’, Tiny Dugan, in proposing the toast to the Regiment – But I will try.   What does it mean to have served in the Regiment?  Some 80,000 men have passed through its ranks since its inception on 23 November 1948 and […]