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Trojans’ Trek – veterans helping veterans – is a unique South Australian program to assist contemporary veterans adjust in dealing with mental health conditions after combat deployments. A group of Vietnam veterans have already taken it upon themselves to help recently returned veterans deal with post-traumatic stress. Trojans’ Trek takes soldiers out bush into the […]

Australia’s contribution to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) has ended. Since July 2008, the Australian Defence Force has contributed two Army Officers to the UNAMI. This contribution was designated Operation RIVERBANK.  The final rotation of the two officers completed their deployment and departed Iraq on 25 November 2013. Chief of Joint Operations […]

by: Amanda Partridge From: Macarthur Chronicle Campbelltown November 15, 2013 4:10PM   Kevin Wheatley’s children Phyllis Everill, George Wheatley and Ellie Roach, and his wife Edna (front) with the memorial at Mawson Park. Picture: TIM CLAPIN Source: News Limited FORTY eight years after war hero and Victoria Cross recipient Warrant Officer Kevin “Dasher” Wheatley laid down his life for a […]

Stand Tall is a PTS information program initiated by Tony Dell a national serviceman 2 RAR Vietnam veteran and an Australian Test Team cricketer. He suffers with PTS. Watch the video here

Hi Folks   It is that time again to put together the team/s for ‘Push to the Bush’ for 2013.   For those who don’t know what this is, this will be the 8th year that we have organised groups  of Veterans to go out to the small country towns and take the message of […]

  Wednesday, 6 March 2013                                                                                                               VA018     CHANGES TO AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL ROLL OF HONOUR APPLAUDED     The Council of the Australian War Memorial has today agreed to recognise all members of the Australian Defence Force who have died on operational service, including non-warlike operations, on the Roll of Honour.   Minister for […]

“What have you seen my son and what is that look in your eyes? ” “Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me mother you turn away when I speak of it.   “What have you seen my lover and what is that look in your eyes?” “Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me […]

I am pleased to advise that our Webmaster Alan Fortunato  has loaded our two publications on our web Open up to the home page and you will see two bars on the bottom for the Anniversary Booklet and for the Memorial History Booklet. Select each one by left click which opens a bottom bar […]

Gifted by “THE DIGGER’S ASSOCIATION” The new Remembrance House, purchased by VVAA Queensland Branch has now been fully opened and is a magnificent reminder of the hardships that our veteran fore bearers dealt with and also a lasting reminder to their courage and sacrifice that we as Australians should never forget. It is a continuing […]

Some wore chains, felt the lash and toiled with fear Generations that followed strived with blood, sweat and tears In time a nation was born and soon after, ANZAC was the battle cry Came the Great Depression and many asked God “Why?” The Coat Hanger an engineering feat as was the Snowy Hydro too Among […]