Post To All States

Dear Association members, I thought Id take a moment to thank you all for your ongoing support to 8/9 RAR, MTF 4 and  our families while we are away, particularly over ANZAC Day. I hope that you all had a terrific day and managed to catch up with friends and family.   Where we could we ceased […]

1 RAR Battle Group ‘Coral Reunion’ 18- 20 May 2012   at Panthers Port Macquarie Club NSW Contact – Ross Hoy on 0418 654 923 or Email him on:  [email protected] For the latest updates on the Reunion after this notice, then go have a look at the Coral Reunion Weblog site at:   2 RAR/NZ […]

Edition: Issue 1 April-June 2012 , a new quarterly newsletter designed to pass on information to assist some 500 or more RSL  PAWS (Pensions, Advocacy & Welfare Services) practitioners assisting the ADF and Veteran Community.  Click here to download.