Trevor Dixon

  Places of pain, sorrow, blood and death by foot by sea and air they come to fight and die not for glory our sons. In tropic sweat on desert sand in rain and snow on any land by day and night in rain they’ll wait for enemy to come an uncertain fate.   In […]

  The sun cracks through the windows four days no sleep, body weary mind still racing. Can’t close my eyes horrible things taunt me; Things seen and done where have these thirty years gone. Lost in anger, rage, self loathing and fear ripped from a soul happiness, love, humour, warmth and generosity cast aside, I […]

“What have you seen my son and what is that look in your eyes? ” “Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me mother you turn away when I speak of it.   “What have you seen my lover and what is that look in your eyes?” “Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me […]

  I shared a beer with a man I barely knew we seemed to know, after a time he said “I see in your eyes you have been there.” I replied harshly, ” I have been nowhere”, he laughed a while and went quiet saying, “I have been there too.”   After another few he […]

I am pleased to advise that our Webmaster Alan Fortunato  has loaded our two publications on our web Open up to the home page and you will see two bars on the bottom for the Anniversary Booklet and for the Memorial History Booklet. Select each one by left click which opens a bottom bar […]

Gifted by “THE DIGGER’S ASSOCIATION” The new Remembrance House, purchased by VVAA Queensland Branch has now been fully opened and is a magnificent reminder of the hardships that our veteran fore bearers dealt with and also a lasting reminder to their courage and sacrifice that we as Australians should never forget. It is a continuing […]

Some wore chains, felt the lash and toiled with fear Generations that followed strived with blood, sweat and tears In time a nation was born and soon after, ANZAC was the battle cry Came the Great Depression and many asked God “Why?” The Coat Hanger an engineering feat as was the Snowy Hydro too Among […]

From: John Bushell Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 1:06 PM Letter To the Editor: The advertiser   I note that the desk pilots, whom comprise the Awards and Honours Tribunal, continue to undermine the supreme sacrifice of two of Australias heroes – Ordinary Seaman Edward Sheean, a WW2 Navy hero and Private John Simpson, a WW1 hero.  Perhaps, I can […]

TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH: Wounded diggers prepare for South Pole trek. BIG STEP: Ship that will form the basis of the ADF’s amphibious strategy is named. FINAL FIRES: Artillery trainers leave Afghanistan after one last fire mission. INFANTRYMEN HOME: Final infantry soldiers depart Timor-Leste. Follow this link

Date February 24, 2013 Tim Barlass   Soldiers who have served in Afghanistan say the Defence Department is unprepared for the number of servicemen who will return with post-traumatic stress disorder. Ray and Pam Palmer, the parents of commando Scott Palmer, who was killed in Afghanistan, are among those who believe the impact will be […]