Trevor Dixon

Fella’s,   Can you please forward this to your respective associations. I am getting a lot of questions about dress, base access etc etc.   Dress is whatever you are comfortable in, but we would prefer Coat and Tie with medals.  If you are comfortable in Neat Casual, then so are we.  The important thing […]

The Funeral Service of the Late Alfred Handley will be held at Gregson & Weight Chapel, 5 Gregson Place Caloundra commencing at 11:00am on Monday 20 October 2014. View Map: RSL Poppy & RARA Sash Service Medals to be worn as entitled. By request The President 2RAR Association From: Leo Van De Kamp President, […]

This article was writen by Ross Eastgate a military veteran and Columnist for the Townsville Bulletin. “THE late professor Jozef “Willy” Wilczynski held a jaundiced view of the centrally controlled economies of the old Soviet socialist bloc. The World War II Polish underground veteran was scathing of a system where supply was totally disconnected from […]

TV in the comfort of home secure with key and lock Shows columns of semi-naked captives herded as sheep As armed shepherds taunt and bully the doomed flock The world yawns as to slaughter the prisoners creep   Freedom stolen; genocide on the move again Haunting nightmares stir from not so long ago Young and […]

Sweet, Sweet Love The comforting blanket of night Masks the first gentle touch so light Shyly, love’s rousing begins How could such romance be a sin?   Exploring, sharing Giving, caring     On Planet Earth with bright burning stars above Two breathless pounding hearts with fire now spent Both in awe and no reason to relent   Resting, reflecting, […]

As our Nation sails forward to where it has never been There’s a very large blip on the radar screen An iceberg of large proportions ahead it seems Several Senators recently elected and at the helm said “We’re in command and today it’s full steam ahead” Other crew, authors of long past broken promises still […]

Here is your chance to gain a great prize and support a program which supports our veterans 1st prize. Travel for two on the “Sons of ANZAC” Battlefield Tour to Vietnam. Total Value $8,000. Donated by Mat McLachlan Battlefield Tours with air travel provided by Singapore Airlines. 8 nights, 1-9 October. 2015 is the 50th anniversary […]

From the RAR Asscn QLD   If you live in South East Queensland what are you doing this Friday? Your all invited to join in the TRI Service All Corps – All Services Race Meeting:   What are you doing this Friday? Why not take a drive in the country and attend the Kilcoy Race […]

Mervyn F. Bendle The Military Historians’ War on the Anzac Legend The war on the Anzac tradition is intensifying. A long-term foe, Professor Joan Beaumont of the Australian National University, has published Broken Nation: Australians in the Great War (2013) and she has been joined by an ex-army officer, James Brown, who has contributed Anzac’s […]