Trevor Dixon

It has been a long journey and we have covered much ground. As you well know, our role in Afghanistan is to mentor the ANA 4th Bde and by doing so give them the skills, capabilities and confidence to continue the war against the insurgency and protect the people of Uruzgan. We will not win the […]

This is a US video but its sentiments apply equally to our Aussie heroes who also have fallen in Afghanistan! AWESOME “ANGEL FLIGHT” This video is about a song called “Angel Flight”… It is terrific. The song is being performed with “effects.” Listen to the words of the pilot and the tower, and make sure you […]

This is a really well researched, & spoken by a Year 10 student, on Vietnam Veterans Day and reported in THE VIETNAM VETERAN PEACEKEEPER AND PEACEMAKERS JOURNAL Click here to read the full article

Hi Friends, Just a short note to advise that 3 RAR held a small ceremony and morning tea at Holsworthy yesterday (30 November), to mark their departure after 28 years, and to honour those members of “Old Faithful” who died during this period. The memorial, consisting of an impressive metal eagle, the emblem of airborne forces, was unveiled.  As most will […]

Dear Fellow Infantrymen, A major issue for some time now has been the recognition of service at Rifle Company Butterworth (RCB) as “War Like” service. This has been an ongoing issue since 2006 with a small group, RCB Review Group and some individuals fighting to get the proper recognition. I know some senior officers (mainly […]

OVERVIEW [Download the full document by clicking here.] From our detailed research we assert that previous Reviews, the latest being the 2003 – Review of Veterans’ Entitlements – (Clarke Report), were flawed because in applying the criteria for determining warlike service they inadvertently did not consider all the relevant facts and therefore incorrectly concluded that RCB […]

Submission in Support of the Award of the Australian Active Service Medal 1945-1975 and 1975 – for Personnel Who Served in Rifle Company Butterworth (RCB) in the Period 1970 to 1989. [Download the full document by clicking here.] Introduction My name is 860351 Lieutenant Colonel P. M. Dennis, MBE (Rtd). Contact details are as below. […]

Introduction [Download the full document by clicking here] This submission seeks to determine our claim that RCB service was warlike and therefore its company members are eligible for the AASM and for qualifying service for VEA entitlements. It is an addendum to Reference 2. It specifically addresses: 1. Reference 5. The three conditions required of the […]

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY [Download the full document by clicking here] 1. The Defence Force Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal (the Tribunal) is established under the Defence Act 1903. Its functions are set out in s 110UA of the Act. The Minister may direct the Tribunal to hold an inquiry into a specified matter concerning honours or awards […]

Submission from Lieutenant General D.J. Hurley AC, DSC Vice Chief of the Defence Force 23rd June 2010 [Download the full document by clicking here]