Trevor Dixon

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WAS EVER so much nonsense spoken as when politicians, journalists and feminist and ethnic icons vie with ancient generals, clergymen and academics to condemn the latest evidences that our soldiers, sailors and air persons are profane, cynical and somewhat racist and sexist young men and women? The fact that they are is, of course, deplorable. […]

Ashley Ekins with Ian McNeill Fighting to the finish tells the story of the Australian Army in Vietnam during the period of Australia’s largest and most sustained military commitment to the Vietnam War. As the ninth and final volume of the Official History of Australia’s Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948–1975, it is the successor to […]

In Seymour Victoria. the Mitchell Sub Branch is still heavily involved in the construction of Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk, a project to name all 62,100 people who went to Vietnam, with a small hole next to each name for a Poppy. We are looking at walls made from polished granite although our original idea was […]

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, today announced the retirement of General Peter Cosgrove AC MC (Ret’d) as Chairman of the Council of the Australian War Memorial. Mr Snowdon said General Cosgrove has made an outstanding contribution to the work of the Council for almost nine years, spending four of those leading the Council […]

I cannot let the passing of Benny O’Dowd go without making a few remarks on this remarkable soldier. He served with 67Aust Inf Battalion from its inception in Moratia and with it in BCOF in the occupation of Japan. He was on the strength of 3AR and 3RAR and thus was a father of the […]

Video taken by David Roach at the Long Tan Cross. Check out the new walkway to the Cross. The pipers came over from Melbourne to play at the opening of the new military museum located in Vung Tau in January

From Evernote: Filming the bombing of Darwin | Australian War Memorial Clipped from: On the 19th of February seventy years ago, the city of Darwin was bombed. Sustaining heavy damage and civilian casualties in air raids by Japanese forces, this attack was the first of over sixty air raids conducted up until November 1943. […]

Click Here for the Revisit Korea 2012 Program

From Evernote: Life as a defence partner – ABC Brisbane – Australian Broadcasting Corporation Clipped from: While they’re away for months at a time fighting, training, peacekeeping, how do their partners keep everything together at home? 3 The life of a defence partner isn’t easy. Army wife of nine years and southern Queensland representative […]